A TBYB item return will follow the same return process as your current paid upfront items. Customers will use your existing returns portal (or contact you directly if that's how returns are setup) to initiate and submit a TBYB return.
For every TBYB order, the Blackcart app looks for a refund within the Shopify order to exclude that item from being charged to the customer. After the trial period ends, you can set an additional period of time to wait for refunds to be posted by your returns portal. This will ensure the Blackcart app charges customers only for the items being kept.
Initiating a Return
Once a TBYB order is delivered, Blackcart sends the customer an email notification that their trial period is starting. Within this email is a link to your returns portal, which you specified during onboarding. You can change this link within the Blackcart Shopify app settings at any time. Learn more about returns configurations here.
Additionally, customers can find your returns portal link on your store and initiate a return for a TBYB item.
Return vs Refund
When a customer initiates a return, this begins the process of shipping the TBYB item back to your returns warehouse. At this point, the item being returned has not yet been approved by your team for a "refund" (refund in quotes because the customer hasn't paid for the item yet, but Shopify still considers this a refund). Each return management system handles the return approval differently and most don't directly update the return status of the order inside Shopify, until it becomes a refund.
Once a return has been approved as a "refund", your return software will post the refund inside the Shopify order, which updates the line item being refunded and the total order price. The Blackcart app will see this refund and exclude that item from the amount charged to the customer. The return approval and subsequent "refund" timing occurs based on the settings in your return management system (e.g. refunds can be auto approved when a return is delivered at your warehouse; or a refund is manually approved after inspection of the returned item).
Blackcart Returns Period Setting
Often, a TBYB item return will be initiated during the trial period, but the return approval and subsequent refund won't occur until after the trial period ends. The returned item spends a few days being shipped back to your warehouse; and then return approval may happen after the return is reviewed by a team member.
The goal is to charge the customer as soon as possible once the trial ends, but only charge for the items being kept. To accommodate this period of time between the end of the trial and a refund being posted to the Shopify order, we've added a Returns Period setting for you to use. The Blackcart app will wait for X days (the number you input into the app settings) after the trial period ends before charging the customer. This will allow refunds to be posted during this time and the customer to be charged only for items being kept.
The Returns Period is not a customer facing feature. The customer will only see their trial period end date.
You can change this setting at any time in the app settings. We recommend setting a number of days that represent the typical time it takes between the return being initiated and the refund being posted into the Shopify order.
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